Download a Station Log Sheet

As a formal Radio Group/Club, the Mafeking Amateur Radio Group are required (as per the Amateur Radio License Conditions Determination) to maintain a log of ALL contacts made under call sign VK3SCM.

You can view the log online, where it is publicly available. If you are authorised, you can also directly enter contacts into the Master Log online too – this makes for simpler administration by the team.

To make this regulatory requirement easier and accessible (without needing a computer during radio operation!), you can download our log template here in advance of activating the callsign. Spare copies of this documentation are kept on site at Mafeking Rover Park should you forget to obtain a few copies. As long as the information is captured in a legible format, it can be entered into the master log.

Download the VK3SCM log template

as a PDF

as an Excel spreadsheet.

Once your operation and log is completed, please return a copy via email to ( to have the log included in the Master Log.