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Foundation Radio Course – October 2018

October 5, 2018 @ 20:00 - October 7, 2018 @ 16:00


Get your Licence!

Are you looking to get your Foundation Amateur Radio Licence? Look no further!

Mafeking Amateur Radio Group recommends attending the October Foundation (AOCPF) course through SRESU. We’ll have members of the Radio Group there on the day to facilitate and assess course attendees, with an option to stay overnight, activate a Station, participate in the Oceania DX Radio Contest, practice using a radio before your test the next day, and ask questions.

This will be the first Radio Course at Mafeking Rover Park!

What is the outcome of the course?

Successful completion of this course, including theory and practical examination components, provides recognition to be authorised as a licenced Amateur Radio Operator, to obtain a callsign, and be authorised to operate relevant equipment within specified parameters as defined during the course.

“An amateur licence is issued to authorise a station that is operated for the purposes of self-training in radiocommunications, intercommunication using radiocommunications, and technical investigation into radiocommunications by persons who do so solely with a personal aim and who have no pecuniary interest in the outcome of the operations of the station.”

Course Eligibility Requirements

This course is an 18+ event, as no duty-of-care Leaders will be available to supervise youth members. This course has been specifically designed to operate at an adult learning pace. SRESU offer AOCPF-Foundation courses throughout the year for both Adults and Youth. We’ve added this course in addition to the regular calendar schedule to cater for the newly created Mafeking Amateur Radio Group – VK3SCM membership.

Non-Scouting members over 18 may register for this course, but will need to contact Luke via vk3byr@gmail.com to register independently.

Register for the Course

You can apply for the course by using course code 105745 – AMATEUR OPERATORS AOCP FOUNDATION RADIO via http://www.vicscouts.asn.au/Training//Registration/default.php

This is a residential course at Mafeking Rover Park. Camping costs are included in your course registration fees. Please advise if you have specific accommodation requirements once you have registered. If you have dietary requirements that require further details than the registration form allows, please email vk3byr@gmail.com to discuss further.

If you are not a registered member of Scouts Victoria, please email vk3byr@gmail.com to arrange course registration.

Course attendees are limited to 16 at this stage, so get in quick to secure your place. Should demand exceed places, we may be able to offer further places, so don’t be discouraged and simply let us know that you’re still interested to see if we can stretch out the capacity.

Course Cost

The total cost of the course is up to $343, split into Scout costs and Radio administration costs, each paid separately.

The cost split is described as follows:

SRESU/Scouts Victoria course fees – $113.00

  • Payable via Extranet payment gateway after registration.

ACMA/WIA Assessment and Licensing fee – up to ~$170

  • This payment is made on the day only via Credit Card (Mastercard/VISA Debit also accepted). Please contact us before the course if you will have difficulties meeting this requirement so that alternative arrangements can be made on the day. This payment is variable depending on your choice to be examined or apply for a licence.

MARG radio offer – $60.00

  • This part is optional, and for a further $60.00 you can go home with your own radio to use once your new call-sign application is approved by the ACMA.

Any queries about the course, including fees, can be lodged via email to vk3byr@gmail.com.

I’ve registered, what’s next?

  1. Please process the Scouts Victoria payment amount of $113 by 14 September 2018. If you haven’t made payment by this date, you may lose your place on the course if there are others who wish to register if the course reaches capacity.
  2. Once you have processed your payment, we will be able to post the Foundation Licence Manual to you for preliminary reading. It’s recommended to have a browse through the chapters to explore what we’ll be covering. This is particularly beneficial to those who feel they may need more support with electrical theory, and help to identify areas where further tuition can be provided over the weekend.
  3. Further instructions on attending the course, including an itinerary will be emailed to all participants after the closing date (14 September, 2018). Note that attendees must plan to be on site from 8am Saturday to 4pm on Sunday to complete the course entirely. It is recommended that course attendees are at the Park from 8pm Friday evening to take part in an informal introduction to radio provided by Mafeking Amateur Radio Group.

Getting your Callsign

When the course is completed, and your exam results checked and passed, you’ll have the opportunity to obtain your callsign.  You can apply for a “next available callsign” option, known as a Level 1, or “choose your own callsign” option (subject to availability), known as a Level 2. These forms and others will be provided on the day, but have been provided here for your convenience and consideration.

More information

More information on the Foundation Licence course can be found through the following links to SRESU and the WIA.




Email vk3byr@gmail.com if you need any help or have questions about this course.


October 5, 2018 @ 20:00
October 7, 2018 @ 16:00
Event Categories:
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Luke Byrnes


Mafeking Rover Park
Mafeking Rover Park
Caveat, VIC 3660 Australia
+ Google Map