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Radio Contest – John Moyle Field Day

March 16, 2018 @ 21:00 - March 18, 2018 @ 16:00


2018 Event Results

John Moyle Memorial Field Day was a big success for Mafeking Amateur Radio Group, with 5 key participators activating the station over the 24h contest period. We enjoyed some interesting weather, made over 100 contacts, and gave many their first opportunity to get on the air – let alone having a go at their first contest.

You can see our results by downloading our 2018 Event Log.

Well done to all who participated, and special thanks to Top Gear Scout for their assistance in both allowing us to use the site for the weekend, and for feeding us too!

Official Contest/Nerd Info

Read the official (nerd) contest information about John Moyle Field Day here. This also describes what the radio aspect of the contest is about and what we’ll be trying to do!

I didn’t click that link because I’m not a Nerd… What are we doing?

Mafeking Amateur Radio Group are operating a portable Amateur Radio station on Mt Quafftumbla during the Top Gear Scout event. All are welcome to participate on the air – qualified or not, as the Group will provide supervision for Group users. This radio competition runs for 24hrs. The competition is about making as many different radio contacts as possible over a 24 hour period, split into 4 sessions of 6 hours. If you’re curious, a PDF version of the rules can be found here: https://vk3scm.com/jmfd.pdf.

Registration – two-step process

1. You must REGISTER for TOP GEAR SCOUT as “OTHER” to be allowed onsite during the weekend. Top Gear Scout has offered to provide catering for us for $40.00. Please comment during rego to TGS if you do not want food provided, or email vk3byr@gmail.com to advise if you will be self-catering for the weekend.
2. a) Please click “Attending” on the Facebook Event so we know you’re interested in coming along, or  b) email vk3byr@gmail.com if you’re not a fan of Facebook.

Arrival and Setup

Access will be via back road to Mt Quaffy (map below), or via Hillclimb track. Absolutely no cars on site during the event – best time to arrive is early Friday evening when we will slowly begin station set-up. Later arrivals must use the back road indicated on the map to access the site, or walk up Mt Quaffy from the car park.
Final set-up begins at 0800h Saturday morning in time for competition start at 1200h. While set up requires assistance, it’s also a great opportunity to get a hands on approach to see and work on setting up a really cool station – arguably more fun than some moments on the air, so be sure not to miss out.


Picture 1 of 1


Contest Start & Operation

An induction for the event will occur at 11:30am, so it is critical that we have reached set up point by then (which will be very likely if we start at 9am at the latest!).
The contest closes at 1200h Sunday – so plenty of time to get on the air during the day, overnight, and early morning before packing up early afternoon after lunch.

Service Component

When we’re not busy (during the later half of the 6-hour sessions), we’ll be asked to assist with supporting the Top Gear Scout event here and there for their assistance in letting us use the Park during their booking.


March 16, 2018 @ 21:00
March 18, 2018 @ 16:00
Event Categories:


Luke Byrnes


Mafeking Rover Park
Mafeking Rover Park
Caveat, VIC 3660 Australia
+ Google Map